Increase the energy efficiency of your condominium: top tips and subsidies in Leipzig

Energy efficiency plays a crucial role for homeowners in Leipzig when it comes to saving costs and helping to protect the environment at the same time. Energy efficiency, the ratio of power used to energy consumed, is an important factor in many areas of our lives, from cars to household appliances. High energy efficiency reduces harmful emissions and leads to cost savings. In the case of buildings, the energy performance certificate provides an insight into the energy efficiency class, which can not only improve the quality of housing and life, but also increase the value of the property. This blog post provides you with an overview of the importance of energy efficiency and shows ways in which you can increase the energy efficiency of your property.

Energy efficiency: Consume less, achieve more

Energy efficiency is the measure of the effective use of energy to achieve a specific benefit, be it light, heat or motive power. Put simply, the less energy required to achieve the same result, the more energy-efficient a process, product or service is. The importance of energy efficiency extends far beyond individual benefits. It is crucial for reducing overall energy consumption, reducing environmental impact and supporting sustainable development.

On average, households consume energy mainly for heating, hot water, lighting and the operation of household appliances. Heating and hot water production top the list of energy consumers, followed by large household appliances such as refrigerators, washing machines and dryers. Consumer electronics and smaller household appliances also contribute to overall energy consumption.

Economy meets environmental protection: the double benefit of energy efficiency

For homeowners, improved energy efficiency opens up opportunities for considerable economic savings and at the same time contributes to climate protection. Optimizing energy consumption in residential buildings, which account for a significant proportion of final energy consumption and CO₂ emissions in Germany, offers considerable potential for both cutting costs and reducing environmental pollution. The building sector in particular, which is responsible for around 35% of final energy consumption and around 30% of CO₂ emissions in Germany, offers enormous potential for savings (Federal Environment Agency, 2023).

Energy-efficient renovation measures, such as improving thermal insulation and modernizing heating systems, play a key role in this. Such measures can significantly reduce a building’s energy requirements and thus substantially cut heating costs. Optimizing air conditioning and ventilation systems also helps to reduce energy consumption, which in turn leads to lower operating costs.

Promoting energy efficiency therefore offers homeowners a double win: not only does it reduce running costs and increase the value of the property, but it also protects the climate by reducing greenhouse gas emissions. By consciously choosing and implementing energy efficiency measures, homeowners make an important contribution to the energy transition and at the same time benefit from the improved economic efficiency of their properties.

Your path to energy efficiency: measures with a big impact

There are numerous opportunities for homeowners to improve the energy efficiency of their property and thus protect both their wallet and the environment. Here are some practical tips to help you do just that:

  • Insulation: Good insulation is crucial for minimizing heat loss. Insulating the roof, façade and basement ceiling can significantly reduce energy requirements.
  • Modern heating systems: Replacing old heating systems with more efficient systems such as condensing boilers can significantly reduce energy consumption. In combination with solar technology, dependence on fossil fuels can also be reduced. A new condensing boiler for around 8,000-10,000 euros saves up to 30% energy. Roof and façade insulation cost around 20,000 euros each and reduce consumption by up to 14% and 18% respectively. Insulating the basement ceiling costs around 4,000 euros and reduces energy consumption by up to 7%.
  • Intelligent thermostats and home automation: Smart home solutions enable more efficient control of heating and other energy consumers in the home. By using intelligent thermostats, the room temperature can be regulated as required and energy can be saved.
  • Use energy-efficient appliances: When buying new household appliances, pay attention to the energy efficiency rating. Appliances with a high efficiency rating consume less electricity and contribute to lower energy costs.
  • LED lighting: Replacing conventional light bulbs with LED lamps is a simple and effective way of reducing electricity consumption. LEDs require up to 90% less energy than conventional light bulbs and have a much longer service life.

If you own an unrenovated detached house with an older heating system and have annual heating costs of around 2,000 euros, switching to a condensing boiler can reduce your costs by up to 30 percent. This corresponds to savings of up to 700 euros per year. With a purchase cost of 10,000 euros for the new heating system, the payback period is around 14 years.

A comprehensive energy-efficient renovation costing around 54,000 euros could even reduce your energy costs by up to 69 percent. In our example, you could save up to 1,380 euros a year, which would lead to a payback period of around 39 years. This example does not yet take into account possible state subsidies for the heating system, which could significantly shorten the payback period.

Energy efficiency in Leipzig: subsidies and advice

Leipzig offers homeowners a wide range of opportunities to increase energy efficiency through energy-related renovations and at the same time benefit from the extensive range of funding programs. Whether insulation, heating renovation or the use of renewable energies – support is available for almost every measure.

Federal funding for efficient buildings (BEG) includes grants and loans for the renovation of residential buildings to increase energy efficiency. This includes individual measures such as the replacement of windows, insulation or the installation of efficient heating. Applications for funding can be submitted online to KfW or BAFA, and specialist companies commissioned to carry out the work must register with the German Energy Agency (dena).

KfW also offers supplementary loans if further financing is required after receiving a grant. Additional bonuses can also be applied for specifically for heating subsidies.

The Leipzig Energy Efficiency and Climate Protection Network promotes the exchange between companies and institutions to jointly reduce energy costs and CO2 emissions. Participants can develop their own decarbonization roadmaps and benefit from joint savings targets.

The consumer advice center offers comprehensive information on various funding programs and provides tips on how to find the right funding for your project. You can find initial information on this page.

There are numerous opportunities for homeowners in Leipzig to improve the energy efficiency of their property – from building insulation to the use of renewable energies. The city and the federal government support you with attractive funding programs and advisory services. Whether it’s small steps or major renovation projects, start planning your energy-saving measures today. As a homeowner in Leipzig, you have the opportunity to lead the way – for a sustainable, cost-efficient home and a city worth living in.

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